Author: admin

So there is a challenge with your door. It sticks now and then. It squeals a complaint whenever it is opened or closed. It is drafty round the edges. Basically coming apart at the seams.   Sounds bad. Sounds like you need to check out the latest and greatest in door designs. A...

There are a few different ways your lovely double glazing units can fail but any type of failure is most annoying.   The worst way, I would guess, is the cricket ball from next doors kids as they use the six-and-out rule, which means the ball has...

According to carious sources, "Pardon my French" or "Excuse my French" is a common English language phrase ostensibly disguising profanity as words from the French language. The phrase is uttered in an attempt to excuse the user of profanity, swearing, or curses in the presence...

Keeping things in simple terms a glass sealed unit is two, or more, pieces of glass glued together with a gap in between to help create an insulating barrier to the outside weather, a definite bonus if you live in Blackpool or anywhere on the...